Each year, the Golden Gate Section of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE-GGS) awards a number of scholarships to young Bay Area students graduating from high school and going on to pursue degrees in engineering and other related degrees. Scholarships vary between $1,000 and $2,000.

Starting on January 13th 2025, we will be accepting applications for students who are:

  1. Entering College Freshman in Fall 2025
  2. Community College Student in Fall 2025

Please review the information below carefully before completing your application. Personal and Financial information will be held in confidence. If a question does not apply, indicate “N/A”.

​All documents will be uploaded via the Google form application. Documents that will be uploaded on the application should use the following name convention: Last Name_First Name_Document
Ex: Hopper_Grace_Resume


  • Monday, January 13th, 2025: Scholarship Application Opens
  • Friday, April 11th, 2025: Application Deadline
  • End of April to early May 2025: Application Evaluation & Scholarship Recipient Notification
  • May 2025: In-Person Scholarship Awards Banquet

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for a SWE-GGS scholarship, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Current high school senior or community college student planning to pursue a degree in engineering or computer science from an accredited university
  • Identifies as a woman or other underrepresented gender including non-binary and gender non-conforming
  • Lives or attends school in the boundaries of the Golden Gate Section
  • If you are unsure that your zipcode is included in this region, please reach out to Sawyer before completing the application.

Documents Needed for Scholarship Application

  • Resume or summary of activities
    • Indicate how long you have been involved in an activity and/or what the weekly commitment to it is
    • Clarify if it is a volunteer opportunity or an employment opportunity
    • Indicate if opportunities such as research or internships are paid or unpaid
  • School transcript
  • Name and contact email for two references
    • References should be someone you have a professional relationship with (teacher, employer, coach, etc).
    • Letter should include appropriate letterhead, be roughly one page in length, and be signed by the author.
    • We will reach out to your references to collect letters of recommendation directly from them. Letters must be collected by the application deadline, so do not wait until the last minute to submit your application. 
  • Financial Information (optional)
    • Annual household income (to indicate if your household is low income or not)
    • Cost of anticipated expenses for the coming year (tuition, room & board, books, etc.)
    • Sources of income for the year (employment, scholarships, family contribution, etc.)
  • Essay(s) (see prompts below)
  • ​Completed application

Essay Prompts

  • Describe why you would like to be an engineer (or related professional), what your goals are as an engineer, and why you believe you are deserving of a scholarship
    • Essay should be 500-1000 words
  • (optional) Expand on any part of your application that you feel needs further explanation, including your financial background or need
    • 500 word maximum​

Example Application

We would like to support applicants in their application process by providing an example of a summary of activities and essay.


If you have any questions or concerns or you are not able to complete the entire online application, please contact this year’s Scholarship Chair, Sawyer Thompson, at sweggs.scholarship@gmail.com